Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio

Emotional Planning for Retirement with Dorian Mintzer and Louise Nayer

Dorian Mintzer

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Though most people spend countless hours doing financial planning for retirement, how many people do emotional planning? Retirement is a huge transition, and it's essential to think about how much money you'll have and how you will create the kind of life you want. 

Whether you are about to retire, newly retired, or have been retired for a long time, it's never too late to talk openly about how you feel and the difficulties and joys of retirement.

In this episode, you will discover the importance of articulating anxieties about retirement, including:

  • Making the Decision
  • Fears of Isolation and Losing a Community
  • Fears of Losing Your Identity
  • Trusting Yourself
  • Fears of Getting Sick
  • Calming exercises
  • Maintaining a healthy and fulfilling retirement

About Louise Nayer:

Louise Nayer grew up in New York City, received a B.A. in Comparative Literature from the University of Wisconsin and later a Master of Arts in Humanities from SUNY Buffalo, where she studied with poets Robert Creeley and John Logan. In 1976 she put all her belongings in a '68 Camaro and moved to San Francisco, where she dedicated her life to writing and teaching.

She is the author of five books, most recently Poised for Retirement: Moving from Anxiety to Zen. She kept a journal for the five months before she left her community college teaching job and wrote about the importance of emotional planning for retirement. That book also offers calming exercises to help people through that time. Her book, Burned: A Memoir, was an Oprah Great Read and won the Wisconsin Library Association Award. That book chronicles the devastating effects of an explosion in Cape Cod that burned her parents when she was four years old and left her mother facially disfigured. That book outlines the lasting effects of child-parent separation. She has also written for OZY and the San Francisco Chronicle and has been interviewed in Forbes Magazine.

She is a long-time educator and member of the San Francisco Writer's Grotto. She teaches memoir classes at the Grotto through OLLI at UC Berkeley and works with people individually. She has given readings of her work at universities and bookstores all over the country and has been interviewed widely on radio including on NPR. She has two grown daughters and a stepdaughter and lives with her husband and dog, Ella, in Glen Park in San Francisco.

Get in touch with Louise Nayer:
Louise's website:
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Grab our free guide, 10 Key Issues to Consider as You Explore Your Retirement Transition, at

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