Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
A top retirement podcast and longevity planning podcast. Dr. Dorian Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D., Board Certified Coach, and Certified Professional Retirement Coach, guides you on how to revolutionize all aspects of your retirement transition. This podcast will teach you how to retire with joy and confidence, ready to live the fullest in the second half of your life. In this podcast,
Dr. Mintzer interviews a wide variety of experts in various areas of retirement and longevity planning, spanning the topics of money, purpose, meaning, lifestyle, identity, and health. Our goal is to help you make the most of this next stage of your life. The concept of retirement is changing. It isn’t just an age OR a financial number. It's finding a balance between living well today and feeling confident about your retirement transition years, and gaining more freedom to pursue the life you want.
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Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
Policy, Housing and an Aging Society with Dorian Mintzer and Louis Tenenbaum
Aging issues won't disappear, despite whoever is in office. Second, we can't expect more federal funding or new entitlements. But this could be good if it pushes us to think out of the box, particularly regarding aging in place, by focusing on the situation facing older middle-income Americans.
While low-income older adults desperately need funding and support, 70% of older Americans (70 million people) do not qualify for government or not-for-profit programs but, at the same time, cannot afford expensive retirement communities or 24/7 care. These people have some resources, and most want to age in place. Many own their homes and spend out-of-pocket for care, which is often challenging to locate and manage. Without question, this is a cadre that needs better support.
In this program, Louis Tenenbaum will discuss several out-of-the-box options that businesses, government, and baby boomers can do to ensure their housing meets the needs of an aging population
About Louis Tenenbaum:
A leading authority on aging in place, Louis Tenenbaum is the founder of HomesRenewed, a coalition of business, government, non-profits, and consumer stakeholders. Uniquely straddling the building, aging, healthcare, and policy worlds, Louis was named a 2016 "Influencer in Aging" by Next Avenue and won a prestigious HIVE (Housing, Innovation, Vision, and Economics) award. His article, Aging in Place Needs Out of the Box Thinking, appeared in Forbes and received more than 4000 shares.
Get in touch with Louis Tenenbaum
Read Louis's article on Forbes:
Visit Louis's Website:
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