Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
A top retirement podcast and longevity planning podcast. Dr. Dorian Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D., Board Certified Coach, and Certified Professional Retirement Coach, guides you on how to revolutionize all aspects of your retirement transition. This podcast will teach you how to retire with joy and confidence, ready to live the fullest in the second half of your life. In this podcast,
Dr. Mintzer interviews a wide variety of experts in various areas of retirement and longevity planning, spanning the topics of money, purpose, meaning, lifestyle, identity, and health. Our goal is to help you make the most of this next stage of your life. The concept of retirement is changing. It isn’t just an age OR a financial number. It's finding a balance between living well today and feeling confident about your retirement transition years, and gaining more freedom to pursue the life you want.
Grab our free guide, 10 Key Issues to Consider as You Explore Your Retirement Transition https://10keyretirementissues.com
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Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
The Making of an Old Soul: Aging as the Fulfillment of Life's Promise with Dorian Mintzer and Carol Orsborn
Scholar and mystic Dr. Carol Orsborn will shed new light on the entire arc of life, revisioning age not as diminishment but as the fulfillment of life's promise. Bursting through the stereotypes into a world of old souls, Orsborn will share how to embrace the luminous spirit within that beats steadily beyond the wounds of childhood, beyond the unintended consequences of your best intentions, beyond the twists and turns of fate over which even at the peak of the developmental pyramid you have no control. Her vision of aging affirms that seekers of all ages and circumstances have what it takes to grow not just old, but old souls.
About Carol Orsborn:
Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., is a recognized thought leader in the field of Conscious Aging and author of 30 books translated into 15 languages, including her most recent bestseller, The Making of an Old Soul: Aging as the Fulfillment of Life's Promise. Orsborn earned her doctorate in adult development from Vanderbilt University and is chief archivist at Fierce with Age, the Digest of Boomer Wisdom, Inspiration, and Spirituality housed at CarolOrsborn.com. She also founded and co-leads the Sage-ing International Book Club. For the past 40 years, Orsborn has been a compelling voice of her generation, interviewed on Oprah, The Today Show, CBS Morning News, The Shift Network, and the New York Times. She has spoken frequently at the American Society of Aging, Sage-ing International, and the Positive Aging conferences.
Get in touch with Carol Orsborn
Buy Carol's Book: https://revolutionizeretirement.com/oldsoul
Visit Carol's Website: https://carolorsborn.com/
What to do next:
- Click to grab our free guide, 10 Key Issues to Consider as You Explore Your Retirement Transition
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- Join our Revolutionize Your Retirement group on Facebook.