Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
A top retirement podcast and longevity planning podcast. Dr. Dorian Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D., Board Certified Coach, and Certified Professional Retirement Coach, guides you on how to revolutionize all aspects of your retirement transition. This podcast will teach you how to retire with joy and confidence, ready to live the fullest in the second half of your life. In this podcast,
Dr. Mintzer interviews a wide variety of experts in various areas of retirement and longevity planning, spanning the topics of money, purpose, meaning, lifestyle, identity, and health. Our goal is to help you make the most of this next stage of your life. The concept of retirement is changing. It isn’t just an age OR a financial number. It's finding a balance between living well today and feeling confident about your retirement transition years, and gaining more freedom to pursue the life you want.
Grab our free guide, 10 Key Issues to Consider as You Explore Your Retirement Transition https://10keyretirementissues.com
Join the Revolutionize Your Retirement community at https://RevolutionizeRetirement.com.
Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
Age & Retirement: Some Game Changers with Dorian Mintzer and Helen Dennis
The longevity revolution and concept of having an encore life are here. This Revolutionize Retirement conversation will focus on four game changers happening "on the ground." Separately and collectively, they are influencing the age and retirement experience: The Village movement, encore careers, technology, and a response to retiring career women. Join us for an informative, lively, and "fun" conversation.
In this program, you'll discover:
- We are in a new life stage, but we can't decide on its name
- How this new life stage affects men and women
- What are some game changers -- The Village movement, encore careers and technology?
- What is Project Renewment and why now?
About Helen Dennis:
Helen Dennis is a nationally recognized leader on issues of aging, employment, and retirement. She has received numerous awards for her teaching at the Davis School at USC's Andrus Gerontology Center and for her contributions to the field of aging, the community, and literary arts. Editor of two books, author of over 50 articles, frequent speaker, and weekly columnist on Successful Aging for the Los Angeles Newspaper Group, reaching 1.3 million readers, she has assisted over 10,000 employees to prepare for the non-financial aspects of their retirement.
In her volunteer life, Helen has served as president of five nonprofit organizations and continues to serve on several boards. Fully engaged in the field of aging, she was a delegate to the 2005 White House Conference on Aging and has extensive experience with the media. She is co-author of the Los Angeles Times bestseller, Project Renewment: The First Retirement Model for Career Women.
Get in touch with Helen Dennis:
Visit Helen's websites: https://www.helenmdennis.com/ and https://www.renewment.org/
Download Helen's handout: https://revolutionizeretirement.com/dennishandout
Helen’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SuccessfulAgingCommunity
Buy Helen's Book: https://revolutionizeretirement.com/renewment
What to do next:
- Click to grab our free guide, 10 Key Issues to Consider as You Explore Your Retirement Transition
- Please leave a review at Apple Podcasts.
- Join our Revolutionize Your Retirement group on Facebook.