Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
A top retirement podcast and longevity planning podcast. Dr. Dorian Mintzer, M.S.W., Ph.D., Board Certified Coach, and Certified Professional Retirement Coach, guides you on how to revolutionize all aspects of your retirement transition. This podcast will teach you how to retire with joy and confidence, ready to live the fullest in the second half of your life. In this podcast,
Dr. Mintzer interviews a wide variety of experts in various areas of retirement and longevity planning, spanning the topics of money, purpose, meaning, lifestyle, identity, and health. Our goal is to help you make the most of this next stage of your life. The concept of retirement is changing. It isn’t just an age OR a financial number. It's finding a balance between living well today and feeling confident about your retirement transition years, and gaining more freedom to pursue the life you want.
Grab our free guide, 10 Key Issues to Consider as You Explore Your Retirement Transition https://10keyretirementissues.com
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Revolutionize Your Retirement Radio
Getting Caregivers to Accept Help with Dorian Mintzer and Viki Kind
So often, family caregivers are overwhelmed, but they won't ask for or accept help. Discover tools and communication strategies to help caregivers get past their barriers and begin to ask for and accept help. The goal is to ensure that caregivers are supported so that the person they care for is also safe and secure. The other outcome of ensuring the caregiver is supported is that they can make better future decisions because they come from a place of strength instead of weakness.
In this program, you’ll discover:
- Viki's 4-Step Process for getting caregivers to ask for help.
- What is care-grieving, and how it may limit the caregiver's ability to ask for help
- How to help someone who is in denial or is overwhelmed by guilt to keep their balance through their caregiving journey
About Viki Kind:
Viki Kind is a clinical bioethicist, professional speaker, and hospice volunteer. Her award-winning book, The Caregiver's Path to Compassionate Decision Making: Making Choices For Those Who Can't, guides families and professionals who are making decisions for those who have lost capacity. Viki is known as "The People's Bioethicist" because she is a rare individual who bridges two worlds: the health care professional and the family struggling to make the right decision. She is an honorary board member of the Well Spouse Association and has been a caregiver to six family members for many years.
Get in touch with Viki Kind:
Buy Viki's book: https://revolutionizeretirement.com/kindbook
Visit Vicki's website: http://kindethics.com/
Access Viki's handout: https://revolutionizeretirement.com/kindethics
What to do next:
- Click to grab our free guide, 10 Key Issues to Consider as You Explore Your Retirement Transition
- Please leave a review at Apple Podcasts.
- Join our Revolutionize Your Retirement group on Facebook.